American Academy of Pediatrics Urges Parents: Call Your Pediatrician to ensure kids are keeping up with immunizations, developmental checks during Covid-19 pandemic
The American Academy of Pediatricians (AAP) is launching a “Call Your Pediatrician” campaign aimed at ensuring kids are up to date with their immunizations. Citing CDC data, the AAP claimed that, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, fewer vaccines were ordered by doctors in the Vaccines for Children program.
“As states begin to open up and families move about in their community, we are afraid that we could see outbreaks of measles, whooping cough and other diseases that can spread very rapidly and be deadly for children,” said AAP President Sally Goza, MD, FAAP. “It’s important that parents work with their pediatrician now to get all children caught up on their vaccines. We want to reassure parents that pediatricians have taken every step to make these visits safe.”
The CDC stats show that there were 2.5 million fewer doses of vaccines — including 250,000 fewer measles-containing vaccine doses — ordered from Mid-March to mid-April this year, compared to the same period in 2019. Another study from the CDC showed a 50% drop in vaccination rates in Michigan alone.
“Parents have a lot on their minds right now. We want them to know pediatricians are open for business, and we are ready to schedule visits to make sure their children are fully immunized,” Goza said. “These visits are so important for other reasons, too, including making sure children’s development is on track and checking on other health concerns while families have been social distancing. Pediatricians want to see children now, and make sure they are healthy and OK.”
Dear parents:
We’ll take ‘em off your hands for 20 minutes.
Your pediatrician