Advocare Long Logo

Summit Pediatrics


Advocare participates with most major insurance plans.  Below is a list of insurance companies that we participate with.  As participation is subject to change, varies by region, specialty, and physician, please confirm that we accept your health care plan before your first visit or when you change carriers.

Insurance Companies that Advocare Participates
See “Payer Plan Guide” for specifics
Aetna (APCN- Tier 2 for Primary Care & Pediatrics); Specialists see payer plan guide
Aetna Better Health (Managed Medicaid as of 1/14/15)
Amerihealth (NON par for Advantage, Hospital Advantage & and “Value” network plan)
Beech Street (PPO)- affiliate of Multiplan
Consumer Health Network
Coventry (NOW part of Aetna) formerly known as First Health
Horizon Blue Cross/Blue Shield (NON par with Medicare Blue Adv HMO & Blue Select Plans)
Horizon NJ Health
Humana Military (Formerly Tricare) (NON Par with straight Humana)
IBC/Keystone (NON Par for value network & Community advantage network)
Magnacare (now under Brighton Health)
Medicare-Part B
Qualcare Commercial (NON Par with Emblem Health, Humana and GHI if they do not have Qualcare LOGO)
Railroad Medicare
Tricare Prime (no longer valid as of 1/1/2018; SEE Humana Military)
United Healthcare/Oxford (NOTE: NON PAR AT PEDIATRIC URGENT CARE) (NON Par with United Medicare Plans/AARP Medicare complete, United Community plan & United Compass Plan)
US Family Health Plan (this is for the dependents of Tricare Prime)

** signifies a Group Level Contract, providers must become PAR

For information on how to obtain insurance coverage for you and/or your family, please visit

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